
Pioneering a smooth, provably fair NFT sale

Our Presale & Public Sales have concluded & were very successful. Presale: SOLD OUT in 24.773864 seconds! ⚡ Public Sale: SOLD OUT in 59 minutes and 4 seconds! ⚡

There will be a fair distribution across two sales where a total of 9,000 Rollbots will be sold. Another 900 can be won via our provably fair NFT Lootboxes. The remaining 100 are to be used by Rollbit exclusively for giveaways and marketing purposes.

The minting process will be provably fair and we’ll publish metadata hashes for all Rollbot NFTs beforehand to ensure everything was done fairly. Therefore, there’s an equal chance of revealing one of the special Rollbots if you take part in the public sale, presale or win one from a Rollbox.

Rollbot Presale

  • Date: October 14th, 2021

  • Time: 8:00pm UTC

  • Price: $500 (from your Rollbit balance, deposit BTC, ETH or LTC)

  • Minting: 2,000 Rollbots in a provably fair manner, maximum of 3 per person.

To be eligible for the October 14th presale, you’ll need to attain a rank of Level 3 in Rollbit’s Discord by being active on our server and to have invited 3 friends. From those who are eligible, 1,000 people will be picked at random to join the whitelist, which will be announced on the day of the presale. Also, to reward our active community members who have helped to build our community, we will make them eligible to take part in the presale.

Rollbot Public Sale

  • Date: October 21st, 2021

  • Time: 8:00pm UTC

  • Price: $1,000 (from your Rollbit balance, deposit BTC, ETH or LTC)

  • Minting: 7,000 Rollbots in a provably fair manner, maximum of 20 per person.

In each sale, we are giving users the chance to buy Rollbots directly from Rollbit using their balance. That means that there’s no scope for whales to outbid others by including a higher gas cost in their Ethereum transactions, to collude with miners and so on.

We're so confident that you'll want to hold on to your Rollbot, we'll be buying back any Rollbot via our upcoming NFT marketplace approximately 30 days after our public sale ends for a period of 1-2 days. Our buyback price will be in line with the sale price, which means there's effectively no risk during the buyback period!

The Rollbot buy back has concluded, Rollbit only had to buy back 19 Rollbots!

The utility of Rollbots provide true value, influencing holders to keep their Rollbots.

Last updated